ULTRA Billet

Callies Ultra billets are machined from Premium Grade (Para-Pure) Timken alloy steel. This high quality specialty steel has been formulated to create a level of toughness that is unmatched in the crankshaft industry. Callies has developed a wide range of part numbers for a variety of popular engines. Any main journal, rod journal, post configuration, stroke or other specialized characteristic that you may require can be provided.
Callies Ultra Billet crankshafts are truly custom made to match your project.

Each Ultra billet crankshaft is uniquely machined with our Ultra-Shed counterweight profiles. The Ultra-Shed leading edge profile gently moves oil away from the oncoming counterweight while the directional trailing edge directs oil away from the oncoming rod journal. Our Aero-Shed super finish will give you a crankshaft that is totally stress-riser free and incredibly aero efficient. When the Ultra-Shed and Aero-Shed processes are combined, the result is a crankshaft with the lowest coefficient of drag in the industry.

We have designs in place for the following:
Conventional Small Block Chevy  (Produced from Timken 4330VM)
4.500 Spread bore Small Block Chevy  (Produced from Timken 4330VM)
Chevy LS with any post or reluctor wheel  (Produced from Timken 4330VM)
Conventional Big Block Chevy 4.840 Spread Bore  (Produced from EN30B)
5.000 Spread bore Big Block Chevy  (Produced from EN30B)
5.300 Spread bore Big Block Chevy (Produced from EN30B)
Small Block Ford (Produced from Timken 4330VM)
Big Block Mopar 400/426/440 Hemi
Big Block Ford



Sales: 419.435.2711